Isaiah Jimenez
Nick Ross
An unemployed college dropout with big dreams, but no luck. He is over confident & cocky, but knows when to come back to reality.
Casey Starchak
Kyle Parker
An over privileged, yet racially confused man who loves to smoke weed and has way too much swagger.
Michelle Nuñez
Zeka Anyu
A beautiful gray woman attending the small business program, who appears have a few secrets of her own.
Dennis Mallen
Theodore Madoff
A man who desires power and control. He envies Mr. Goldstein his boss, and is opposed to his social programs that help people.
Essex O'Brien
Yusuf Parker
A proud African, successful investment banker, and father to Kyle who he cares very much for.
Jana Henry
Michelle Ross
A single mother and registered nurse. She has a short temper and is rarely positive about anything except the ex president.
Cherrelle Ariell
Tiffany Diamond
A is a sexy gold digging, manipulative stripper (unknown to Kyle) considered to be a dyme piece by all men.
Madi Jarrard
Janice Vogel
A pill popping, snotty, conservative, ambitious, professional secretary totally loyal to Madoff, but even more to her career.
Susanna Matza
A 25 year old country girl with an extreme bronze tan. She acts hood when away from her family, and very country-proper when she’s with them.