By United Blade Entertainment Orlando, FL, Release: January 30, 2023.
For Immediate Release
If you’re looking for something truly unique to check out this month, this out of this world, soon to be cult classic comedy, Gray People is now streaming for free on PLEX TV. It stars, Isaiah Jimenez, Casey Starchak, Michelle Nuñez, Dennis Mallen, Jana Henry, Cherrelle Ariell, Madi Jarrard, Essex O'Brien, Luis Sanchez, Abi Bais, Lj Ugarte, Austin Janowsky, Susanna Matza, Cole Walsh, Rhonda Cusumano, Rajvi Goswami, Steven Hochman, Juliana Herrin, Adrian Tristan, Nico Hicks, and Don Larson.
Gray People is buddy comedy, which has its serious and comedic moments about two friends and the crazy turns their day takes them, meeting plenty of strange and quirky characters along the way, that may pique your interest.
In a different world, seeking to start a business, Nick Ross and Kyle Parker assume the identities of their Gray neighbors, (A newly discovered race who’s citizens have now been seeking citizenship in the US) who’s invitation to a small business program giving away grants and loans to become small business owners accidentally gets delivered to Nick’s home. Kyle enlist the help of his friend Calzoe, who’s sister happens to be a make-up artist which gives them the disguise they need to pull off their plan, leading to plenty of awkward moments and comedic situations.
Director Romello Blade serves up a story that’s one part satire, one part drama and romance, and all types of bizarre fun. However, things take several twists and turns.
We caught the movie at the Orlando Film Festival and would put it as one of our own favorite 2022 entries. During the Q&A, Romello Blade stated that Gray People is the first entry in a planned trilogy. Watch the Q&A below.
Watch for standout performances from the entire cast and their honed comedic timing.
Gray People launched on Plex Tv Wendesday January 25th.